Friday, October 30, 2009


I forget from year to year just how much I enjoy fall...the panorama of color, the falling temps and blustery winds, the collage of leaves shellacked by the frequent rain.

Today I felt a familiar thanksgiving as I walked through a carpet of vibrantly yellow ginko leaves. Their fanlike shapes never fail to amuse me, but their branch structure is even more hilarious with its randomness.

I'm grateful today because I got through yesterday and so far I'm getting through today. And like the ginko with its odd quirkiness, my life is full of the unexpected: unanticipated urgent needs from my family experiencing sickness and other trials, concern about my son's welfare when he's studying half a world away.

So I take time right now to thank the Lord for his grace that sustains me, for his word that lights my path, and for all the wonderful gifts he lavishes on us, including ginkos.